Archive | January 2017

More Puppies and SNOW!!

I just realized its been since July since I have posted anything! Sorry guys! Life kinda gets away from us, doesn’t it?
I have a few updates…
We have a new addition joining our family, a pretty Red Boston named Gidget. She will be coming home early February. She is adorable and I can’t wait to bring her home and snuggle!

So Sweet and Cute!

So Sweet and Cute!

Harley is big now and will be having puppies of her own soon. Estimated date of arrival is St. Patrick’s Day! We had to drive 6 hours to meet with Southern Pride Boston Terriers to pick up Harley’s boyfriend, who is staying with us till its time to pick up Gidget in February.

My Big (not so big ;) ) Girl

My Big (not so big 😉 ) Girl

Southern ride Boston Terriers Ozzy

Southern ride Boston Terriers Ozzy

The day that we made the trip it had been snowing all night and was still snowing at dark-thirty in the morning. It made for an interesting drive, to say the least. Thankfully DH is okay driving in snow and ice, as I am not. It did make for some very pretty scenery too!

Early Morning on a Snowy Road

Early Morning on a Snowy Road

Snowy roads and Mountian Views

Snowy roads and Mountain Views

Snow Covered Mountain Town

Snow Covered Mountain Town

The snow didn’t last for long, only a couple of days, but it was long enough for the dogs and Goldilocks to pay in it. While Ozzy is a couple of years old and has had some experience with snow, this is Harley’s first time playing in the fluffy white stuff. She definitely had a blast and had Goldilocks and I in stitches from giggling so much!


Playtime in the snow! So much fun but SO COLD!

Playtime in the snow! So much fun but SO COLD!

kicking up so much snow!

kicking up so much snow!

You're ready to go in? I'm not!~Harley

You’re ready to go in, Mom? I’m not!~Harley

Goldilocks was loving the snow and chasing the dogs around.

Goldilocks was loving the snow and chasing the dogs around.

Even after all the snow was going the ice was still on the river. It made for a very cold, pretty walk.

Ice where the water slows and pools around the rocks.

Ice where the water slows and pools around the rocks.

Sheets of ice on the river. The swirling of the current causes the pretty patterns.

Sheets of ice on the river. The swirling of the current causes the shapes and circles.

More updates will be forthcoming… as well as some new recipes and fun pictures! Banana bread, birthday cakes and Harley’s puppies (when they are born), a post about Gidget when she comes home and a trip home to Florida. Until then….